Malahide Adventure

Well I’ve been trying to come up with a way to get myself up off my lazy butt the past few days and go do something cool. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball on going to Oktoberfest, Dublin. But yesterday I got motivated and I hopped the train (4.20 euros roundtrip) and went up north to Malahide. Malahide isn’t a very large town, but it DOES have a castle. Umm… COOL! I wandered around the town for a while until I finally saw a sign:

I actually ended up passing about 10 of those signs, but the walk was very nice. It was a perfect autumn day, the air was crisp, seriously – perfect hoodie weather! Wandering through the park leading up to the castle made it very easy to transport yourself back in time and wonder what it might have been like to make the same walk in a schmancy dress with layers of petticoats, maybe a parasol…. the whole nine yards!

So I didn’t look quite royal… and it’s not a very good picture, but hey! I went by myself and felt like a giant loser asking someone to take a picture of me every so often. Not that I’m sure I looked like LESS of a loser by periodically stopping to snap pictures of myself, haha. Oh well!

Finally! The castle! It wasn’t quite as grand as I had imagined, but it was neat to see regardless. I definitely wouldn’t mind going back with some company for a tour, some hot chocolate, and better pictures!

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